Sunday, 10 December 2017


I made 4 different jellies for Amy to taste that were all the same flavour but different colours. 

Amy investigated the different tastes of foods and labeled them as salty, sweet, bitter or sour.

Senses - hearing

  • We played a game where Amy had to guess what was making the different sounds.
  • We had a go at making some instruments with a kit and talked about what made sounds higher or lower
  • Amy coloured a picture, thanking God for the many sounds we enjoy hearing.

Geography - Iceland

Amy fancied visiting Iceland next on our journey round Europe.

We tried some Icelandic brown bread with some salmon, followed by Skyr, an Icelandic yoghurt.
We learned about The Northern lights and made some chalk pastel pictures.

 A friend who had visited Iceland earlier in the year came to show us some of her photos and share her experiences. She told us they met a pastor who was translating the Bible into Icelandic, he was 3 years into the project which he expected to take 15 years.
We ate a lovely fish bake and made some Icelandic snowflake bread, followed by more Skyr!

We then spent some time learning about hot springs, geysers and volcanoes

Senses - Smell

We visited a shop selling lots of candles and enjoyed all the different smells. Amy chose her favourite.

We made some bath bombs with lavender and orange essential oils.