Wednesday, 22 June 2016

#30DaysWild - week 2

Day 6

Picking nettles to make nettle cordial

Spotted a ladybird on the way home

Day 7

Visited St Annes - afternoon on the beach

Day 8

Cleaning up and playing with our shells

Amy found the first strawberry in the garden

Day 9

Early morning play in the garden in pyjamas!

Home ed group trip to the park - den making

seeing whats on the lake

tree climbing

Day 10

Sketching our beach finds

Day 11

Food festival and flower face painting

Day 12

Flower picture

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

#30 days wild - week 1

Today is the first of June and we have signed up to join with the 30 days wild campaign with The Wildlife Trust. Our poster is up and ready on the wall.

 Day 1 we have been for a walk to our local nature spot and collected various natural bits and bobs along the way (idea from this blog craft invaders)

Day 2 Fun with cousins in the stream

Oops - lost a welly!

Go to video

Day 3 Buttercups and Dam building

Love this carpet of buttercups here

I think she likes butter

Dads determined to make it a proper engineering project

Yay all complete - now we can cross

Decorating the posts
Day 4 Daisy crowns

Day 5 Lunch and ice lollies in the garden